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Table of Contents

Title Page

From the Horse’s Mouth


Bring on the revolution

About the author

How this book is structured

Conventions and terms used in this book

Chapter 1: Introduction to Ebooks and Jutoh

Ebook formats

What is Jutoh?

What kinds of book can be created with Jutoh?

The book creation lifecycle

How to get content into Jutoh


Chapter 2: Getting Started

Creating a new project

Compiling the project


Chapter 3: The Jutoh User Interface

Menu bar and toolbar (1)

Organizer (2)

Control Panel (3)

Document area (4)

Error windows (5)

Formatting Palette (6)

Getting help

Project properties dialog

Customising the user interface

Arranging windows


Chapter 4: Working With Projects


Creating and deleting documents

Moving documents

Managing project files

Where is my project?

Document types


Chapter 5. Importing Files

Quick Convert

What can Jutoh import?

Microsoft Word XML (DOCX) and OpenDocument Text (ODT) | Plain text | HTML | Epub

Importing into an existing project



Chapter 6: Editing Content

Why divide a book into sections?

Basic content editing

Formatting text

Formatting paragraphs

Special symbols


Page breaks

Non-breaking spaces and hyphens

Horizontal rules




Index entries


Adding keywords

Editing document properties

Editing project properties

Previewing your work


Chapter 7: Formatting Like A Pro

Common formatting habits versus good formatting habits

The basics of formatting using named styles

Using the formatting palette to apply styles

Applying styles using shortcuts and favourites

Using fonts

Line and paragraph spacing



Drop caps

Small caps




Chapter 8: Editing Your Book’s Metadata

The metadata panel

Metadata elements

Viewing the generated metadata

Specifying metadata defaults

Project metadata


Chapter 9: Creating Your Cover Design

Cover design basics

Using an existing design

Using the cover designer

Object text | Object background | Object style | Object size

Exporting your design

Specifying a cover for Kindle

The cover page versus the cover image

Specifying the cover image format

Using multiple cover designs

Cover display on different devices


Chapter 10: Understanding Configurations

What are configurations?

Creating and editing configurations

Notable configuration options

Using configurations


Chapter 11: Working With Pictures

Inserting and editing pictures

Editing basic picture properties

Editing size properties

Editing margin, border, background and advanced properties

Adding captions to images

Pre-rendering captions

Special considerations for Apple Books

Inserting SVG pictures

Importing pictures from DOCX, ODT and HTML

Controlling image export

Exporting images to files

Working with large images

Using media objects to insert images


Chapter 12: Working With Indexes

Creating an advanced table of content

Editing table of contents properties | Adding multiple tables | How tables are output to OpenDocument | Specifying and stripping link styling | Creating a table of contents manually | Creating a table of contents for a fixed layout book | Epub 3 considerations

Creating an alphabetical index

Configuration | Importing index entries

Creating footnotes and endnotes

Configuration | Footnotes | Endnotes | Importing footnotes

Creating a bibliography

Creating citations and a bibliography | How Jutoh stores bibliographic entries | Creating and updating the bibliography | Changing bibliographic settings | Managing bibliographic databases | Editing bibliography formatting

Exporting to OpenDocument


Chapter 13: Working With Style Sheets


Kinds of style

Editing style sheets

Default formatting | Editing paragraph styles | Editing character styles | Editing list styles | Editing box styles | Creating new styles

Applying named styles

Automatic styles

CSS dimensions

CSS customisation

Special style names

Importing and exporting style sheets

Finding and replacing styles

Style substitutions

Using styles to change ebook content

Automatic heading numbering

Link styles

What is a link style? | Creating and editing link styles | Assigning styles to link categories | Using character and paragraph styles with link styles | Setting configuration options


Chapter 14: Working With String Tables


Troubleshooting string tables


Chapter 15: Working With Tables


Creating and editing tables

Editing tables

Changing the size of cells, rows and columns

About table borders

Importing tables

Fixing table layout

Editing the template gallery


Chapter 16: Working With Boxes


Creating and editing boxes

Importing boxes

Using box styles

Text box compatibility in ebook readers


Chapter 17: Working With Fonts

Applying fonts in the text editor

Where is my font specified?

How fonts are output to your ebooks

Embedding fonts

Font substitutions when importing or opening a document

Using a monospaced font for formatting tabular data and code


Chapter 18: Adding Narration to Your Book


Step 1. Mark up your document with spans and identifiers

Step 2. Add your narration audio files to Jutoh

Step 3. Create a label file

Step 4. Import the label track

Step 5. Specify a character style for highlighting narrated content

Step 6. Compile the book


Chapter 19: Creating Fixed Layout Books

The fixed layout sample

What is a fixed layout book?

Starting from an existing file format

What are the disadvantages of using fixed layout?

What formats and features are supported by Jutoh?

Creating a fixed layout project

Editing pages

Adding image and text objects

Clipboard operations

Selection and keyboard navigation

Aligning objects

Adding borders

Pre-rendering objects

Font size and dimension units

Embedding fonts

Table of contents


Generating and testing your ebook

Changing fixed layout configuration settings

Formatting for Kindle

Magnified regions in KF8 | Recommended settings for KF8

Formatting for Apple Books/Kobo

Formatting for CBZ comic books

Using a regular reflowable project as a fixed layout book

Faking fixed layout using a reflowable project

Further reading


Chapter 20: Adding Interactivity To Your Book


Form objects

Using form objects


Chapter 21: Making Your Books Accessible


Adding accessibility

How the style mapping works

Using speech in your books

Devices and software supporting Epub 3

Further reading


Chapter 22: Working With Text-To-Speech


How does Jutoh support text-to-speech?

Configurations and speech profiles

Speech markup

Previewing speech


Speech archives

Techniques for effective speech markup

1. Use the ‘Say as’ property | 2. Use Alias, Phoneme, lexicons and custom pronunciations | 3. Use paragraph and character styles | 4. Use Pause objects and punctuation | 5. Use conditional formatting | 6. Use alternative text and table title/description

AI narration


Chapter 23: Formatting For Print


1. Create a new configuration

Quick method | Manual method

2. Choose and set your paper size and margins

3. Create new print-only content and suppress ebook-only content

4. Adjust your styles for print

5. Create and apply page styles

Managing and editing page styles | Headers and footers | Special page style names

6. Compile and create a PDF using LibreOffice.

7. Prepare wrap-around cover artwork

8. Check and submit!

Using the Help with Print on Demand wizard

How page styles work in LibreOffice/OpenOffice

Importing from ODT and DOCX


Chapter 24: Conditional Formatting


Tagging whole section and media documents

Tagging chunks of content

Specifying string variables in your content

Specifying conditional paragraph styles

Managing multiple configurations


Chapter 25: Using Jutoh’s Creativity Tools

Writing goals

Writing prompts

The name generator

Wit and wisdom

Writing advice

The Storyboard

What is a storyboard? | Adding and moving cards | Keyboard navigation | Editing cards | Operations on selected cards | Card types | Field types | Exporting to a file | Importing from a storyboard or StoryLines file | Converting to book section documents | Using a storyboard exclusively to write your book | Using tags | Using styles


Chapter 26: Using Jutoh’s Proofing Tools

Spelling check

Adding words to your custom dictionary | Using automatic spell-check | Using the Inspector for spell-checking | Selectively omitting content from spell-check

Custom checking

Editing find and replace preset libraries | Defining a preset | Viewing custom messages in the error window | Viewing custom messages in the Inspector | Applying presets to your project | Sample presets | Defining exceptions | Step-by-step guide


Chapter 27: Advanced Topics

Embedding media

Understanding encodings

Guide types

How to add an ISBN to your books

Jutoh and Epub 3


Chapter 28: Troubleshooting Your Book

What errors can occur?

How Jutoh displays errors

Syntax errors

Structural errors

Formatting errors

Content errors

Platform errors

Smashwords errors | Kindle errors | Apple Books errors | Lulu errors | Kobo errors

Import/export errors

Import errors | Export errors

Expectation errors

Third-party troubleshooting tools

When all else fails


Chapter 29: Understanding Ebook Formats and Platforms


Epub | Kindle/Mobipocket | Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) | OpenDocument Text (ODT) | MP3


Amazon Kindle | Apple Books | Barnes & Noble Nook | Kobo | Diesel eBook Store | Lulu | Smashwords | Your own web site | Caveats about using multiple distribution platforms (‘going wide’)


Chapter 30: Marketing Your Book

Step 1: Describe your book

Step 2: Be able to talk confidently about it

Step 3: Find your Special Subject – be an expert or an enthusiast

Step 4: Build a platform

Further tips



Appendix A: Installing Jutoh

Installing on Windows

Installing on Mac OS X

Installing on Linux

How to use Jutoh with an external drive

Overview | Using a mobile drive for data | Using a mobile drive for settings | Running Jutoh from a mobile drive | Launching Jutoh on Windows | Launching Jutoh on Linux | Launching Jutoh on Mac

Appendix B: Configuring Jutoh

Viewer applications

Conversion and checking applications

Text-to-speech configuration

CereVoice | Cepstral | eSpeak | LAME MP3 Encoder

Customising shortcuts and favourites

Shortcuts | Favourites

Customising toolbars

Customising auto-replace

Appearance options

Desktop options

Project options

Miscellaneous options

Appendix C: The Jutoh Box Model

Appendix D: The Bibliographic Formatting Language


An example template


Using variables

How to edit and use formatting templates

Appendix E: Speech Markup Reference

Property reference

Unsupported SSML features

Appendix F: Speech Profile Reference


Speech archive

Speech properties



Speech enhancements

Appendix G: Alphabet Description Reference

About alphabet descriptions

Alphabet syntax

Appendix H: Configuration Options



Cover Design



String Tables

HTML Formatting

Text Formatting

Images and Media

Advanced Formatting

Chapter Separators

Fonts and Colour


Fixed Layout




Conditional Sections





Appendix I: Working With Tag Objects


Inserting tag objects

Anatomy of a tag object

Code generation

Custom tag objects

Appendix J: Tools To Use With Jutoh


Adobe Digital Editions

Kindle Previewer 3

Kindle for PC/Mac


Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer

Change Log

Contents | Start | End | Previous: Title Page | Next: From the Horse’s Mouth